Welcome to the UCI Division of Career Pathways
Thanks for visiting us today!
UC Irvine’s Division of Career Pathways (DCP) serves as the hub for career development and preparation for our students, staff, faculty, and recent alumni, as well as a recruitment center for local, regional, national, and global organizations.
DCP puts career services front and center for all students by integrating career content throughout the entire student experience – from orientation to classroom assignments to internships – and many points along the way. DCP also supports students through one-on-one advising, career development workshops, panel events, and a very robust suite of online and on-demand tools for resume reviews, interview practice, and career assessments. These layers of support give UCI students a competitive advantage with the hundreds of employers of all sizes from all industries that come to UCI in search of student interns and full-time employees via career fairs, information sessions, and special programs.
As the Associate Vice Provost of the division, I’m focused on enabling student to gain the knowledge and expertise they need to identify and enter meaningful careers. Our students, and the generations that have graduated before them, help our business communities thrive through their dedication, creativity, and innovation.
The DCP staff will help you stay connected to the Anteater family for years to come as you explore the next stages of your life.
Suzanne Helbig
Associate Vice Provost, Division of Career Pathways
- Division of Career Pathways
- Administration Staff
- Career Education Staff
- Employer Relations Staff
- Student Staff
- Current Employment Opportunities
- Inclusive Excellence Statement
- Campus Advisory Committee
- Employer Advisory Board
- Club Affiliates
- Eligibility Policy
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- Vendor Inquiries
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