Inclusive Excellence is at the heart of our work. We encourage you to access the resources on this page and to provide us with your ideas and feedback to help DCP enable all UCI students to achieve their professional and educational goals.
The Division of Career Pathways (DCP) is committed to creating an inclusive environment in which all individuals feel welcome, included, and safe to engage with our staff and utilize our resources and services. DCP stands with UCI for equity and justice and in denouncing all forms of racism, oppression, intolerance, and exclusion.
We are exceptionally proud to serve UCI’s highly diverse student body, and our mission is to empower students of all identities to reach their career potential. We strive to provide equitable access to our comprehensive portfolio of services and programs in order to equip our students with confidence and career readiness skills that will position them for the next steps in their unique career pathways. We actively engage the following inclusive excellence strategies to help us achieve our mission:
- Increase awareness and education for our staff around inclusive excellence topics, policies, and best practices so staff can better serve our communities.
- Ensure we are engaging with campus and community partners that prioritize inclusive excellence.
- Create inclusive programming, events, and opportunities for our students while also working in parallel to infuse equitable practices throughout all of our operations.
- Ensure inclusive and equitable practices in our marketing and instructional materials.
- Division of Career Pathways
- Administration Staff
- Career Education Staff
- Employer Relations Staff
- Student Staff
- Current Employment Opportunities
- DEI Statement
- Campus Advisory Committee
- Employer Advisory Board
- Club Affiliates
- Eligibility Policy
- Directions
- Vendor Inquiries
- Contact Us