Career Conversations

As career readiness is critical to students’ long-term success, we offer learning sessions to campus partners to assist students with their overall career development and their career-related questions.

Career Readiness Briefings (faculty) and Career Conversations (staff and student leaders) are interactive sessions where participants learn about:

  • The career development process
  • Eight key competencies employers are looking for when hiring college students
  • Practical career-related resources, services, and programs available to students

There are separate tracks available for 1) faculty, 2) staff, and 3) student leaders.

Header CRFaculty2, UC Irvine Division of Career Pathways

Faculty Track

We encourage all faculty to attend a Career Readiness Briefing and utilize these relevant resources…

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Faculty and staff cheering

Staff Track

We encourage all staff to attend a 1-hour Career Conversations Training which provides information a…

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Student Interaction, UC Irvine Division of Career Pathways

Student Leaders Track

We encourage all student leaders to attend a 1-hour Career Conversations Training which provides inf…

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If you are interested in learning more about this program or scheduling a training, please contact