Find career-related resources from the UCI community. Click here for a demonstration. Submit UCI Career Resources 6 Alumni Association UCI Alumni Association 8 Arts UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts 13 Beall Applied Innovation UCI Beall Applied Innovation 14 Biological Sciences UCI School of Biological Sciences 16 Business Paul Merage School of Business at UCI 6 Career Pathways UCI Division of Career Pathways 11 Continuing Education UCI Division of Continuing Education 12 Education UCI School of Education 11 Engineering UCI Samueli School of Engineering 8 Graduate Division UCI Graduate Division 16 Humanities UCI School of Humanities 14 Information & Computer Science UCI School of Information & Computer Science 8 Law UCI Law 6 Libraries UCI Libraries 6 Medicine UCI School of Medicine 6 Nursing Science UCI Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing Science 8 Pharmaceutical Sciences UCI Pharmaceutical Sciences 13 Physical Sciences UCI School of Physical Sciences 15 Public Health UCI Program in Public Health 9 Social Ecology UCI School of Social Ecology 17 Social Sciences UCI School of Social Sciences 31 Student Affairs UCI Student Affairs 5 Sustainability Resource Center UCI Sustainability Resource Center 25 Undergraduate Education UCI Division of Undergraduate Education